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Want to help LOT2545 raise the funds it needs to help boys off of the streets and into a bright future? Thanks! We appreciate you so much!

Host a Jewelry Party

Prepare yourself for a fun time with your friends while changing lives. All you have to do is invite your friends, family, neighbors, coworkers (really anyone you know!) over for a few hours. Share with them about why LOT2545 is dear to you, how their purchase will change lives, and then watch the jewelry fly off your table.

Our job is to send you a box of beautiful handmade jewelry, along with photos and anything that you would need to help tell our story, in plenty of time to help you plan. Just make sure you let us know at least a month in advance. When your fun night is over, package the unsold jewelry and sales from the night and mail it back to us using the prepaid postage. Don’t forget! Keep a piece of jewelry as our thank you to you.

Get Your Group Involved

Do you have a small group that has a heart for helping?  Why not share with them about LOT2545 and get them involved?  Together think of how much you could do:  provide apprenticeship fees for a boy, help get a boy resettled with his family and started with an income generating project, the list is endless.